Solving the Enigma of CMake Library Linking: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the Enigma of CMake Library Linking: A Step-by-Step Guide

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in the labyrinth of CMake library linking woes. Fear not, fellow developer, for we’re about to embark on a quest to vanquish the beast of incorrect linking and emerge victorious with a robust, well-oiled machine of a project. In this article, we’ll delve into the mysteries of CMake library linking, exploring common pitfalls, and providing clear, actionable solutions to get your project up and running smoothly.

The Problem: CMake Library not Linking Correctly when used by other Projects

So, you’ve created a shiny new CMake library, and you’re eager to share it with the world. You’ve written the code, compiled it, and even installed it to your system. But, when you try to link it to another project, the infamous “undefined reference” error rears its ugly head. What’s going on? Why won’t your library cooperate? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to uncover the secrets behind this frustrating phenomenon.

The Usual Suspects: Common Causes of Linking Issues

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s identify the common culprits behind CMake library linking woes:

  • Incorrect Library Installation: The library might not be installed correctly, or the installation path might not be correctly set.
  • Missing Dependencies: Your library might rely on other libraries, which are not properly linked or installed.
  • Inconsistent Library Names: The library name in your CMake file might not match the actual library name.
  • Broken Symbol Visibility: Symbol visibility might be set incorrectly, leading to linking issues.
  • Incorrect Link Order: The order of linked libraries might be incorrect, causing the linker to get confused.

Solution 1: Verify Library Installation and Dependencies

Let’s start with the basics. Ensure your library is installed correctly and all dependencies are met:

  1. cmake your library project, making sure to specify the correct installation path:
  2. cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
    make install
  3. Verify the installation by checking the library files in the specified directory:
  4. ls /usr/local/lib/
  5. Check for any missing dependencies using tools like ldd or objdump:
  6. ldd
  7. Install any missing dependencies, and re-run the installation process:
  8. apt-get install libmissingdependency-dev
  9. Re-compile and re-install your library project:
  10. cmake ..
    make install

Solution 2: Consistent Library Naming and Symbol Visibility

Next, let’s tackle inconsistent library naming and symbol visibility:

  1. In your CMake file, ensure the library name matches the actual library name:
  2. add_library(yourlibrary ${SOURCES})
  3. Verify symbol visibility by setting the CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS or CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS correctly:
  4. set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-dynamic -shared")
    set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-dynamic -shared")
  5. Alternatively, use the visibility property to control symbol visibility:

Now, let’s address the link order and dependency issues:

  1. In your CMake file, ensure the correct link order by specifying dependencies correctly:
  2. target_link_libraries(yourprogram
  3. Use the link_library function to specify dependencies and their link order:
  4. link_libraries(
  5. Verify the linker flags and dependencies using the message function:

Putting it all Together: A Comprehensive Example

Let’s create a simple example to demonstrate the correct linking of a CMake library:

File Contents
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)



add_library(yourlibrary yourlibrary.cpp)

set_target_properties(yourlibrary PROPERTIES
  LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-dynamic -shared"

install(TARGETS yourlibrary DESTINATION lib)
extern "C" {
  void yourlibrary_function() {
    std::cout << "Hello from yourlibrary!" << std::endl;
main.cpp (in another project)
int main() {
  return 0;
CMakeLists.txt (in another project)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)



find_package(yourlibrary REQUIRED)

add_executable(yourprogram main.cpp)


By following these steps and ensuring consistent library naming, correct symbol visibility, and a correct link order, you should be able to successfully link your CMake library to other projects.


Linking a CMake library to other projects can be a daunting task, but by identifying common pitfalls and following the solutions outlined in this article, you'll be well on your way to creating robust, reusable libraries. Remember to verify library installation and dependencies, maintain consistent naming and symbol visibility, and specify the correct link order. With these principles in mind, you'll be able to conquer the mysteries of CMake library linking and create projects that shine with ease.

So, go forth, dear developer, and conquer the world of CMake library linking!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of banging your head against the wall because your CMake library just won't link correctly when used by other projects? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and their answers to resolve your linking woes.

Why does my CMake library not link correctly when used by other projects?

This is likely because your library is not being exported correctly. Make sure you're using the EXPORT keyword in your CMakeLists.txt file to export your library's targets. This tells CMake to generate the necessary files for other projects to link against your library.

How do I export my library's targets using CMake?

You can export your library's targets using the install(EXPORT) command. For example, if you have a library target named mylib, you can export it like this: install(EXPORT mylibTargets DESTINATION lib/cmake/mylib). This will generate a mylibTargets.cmake file in the lib/cmake/mylib directory that other projects can use to link against your library.

What is the purpose of the package configuration file (e.g., MyLibraryConfig.cmake)?

The package configuration file is used by other projects to find and link against your library. It contains information about your library's version, dependencies, and installation directory. When another project uses find_package(MyLibrary) to find your library, CMake will look for the MyLibraryConfig.cmake file to determine how to link against your library.

Why do I need to use find_package(MyLibrary) instead of just linking against the library file?

Using find_package(MyLibrary) allows CMake to handle the linking and dependencies for you. This approach is more flexible and reliable than linking against the library file directly. For example, if your library has dependencies on other libraries, CMake will automatically link against those dependencies when you use find_package(MyLibrary).

How do I troubleshoot linkage issues when using CMake?

When troubleshooting linkage issues, it's essential to check the CMake output and the generated build files. Look for errors or warnings related to linking, and verify that the necessary libraries and dependencies are being linked correctly. You can also use tools like nm or objdump to inspect the generated object files and libraries to ensure that the symbols are being exported correctly.

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