Pull to Refresh Won’t Stop Refreshing in Flutter: The Ultimate Fix
Image by Doloris - hkhazo.biz.id

Pull to Refresh Won’t Stop Refreshing in Flutter: The Ultimate Fix

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in an infinite loop of frustration, courtesy of Flutter’s pull-to-refresh feature. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this pesky issue and provide you with a step-by-step guide to solving it once and for all.

What’s Causing the Problem?

Before we get into the solutions, let’s understand why this issue occurs in the first place. There are a few common culprits:

  • Incorrect widget nesting: When the `RefreshIndicator` widget is not properly nested within the `ListView` or `GridView`, it can lead to infinite refreshing.
  • Async programming mishaps: Failing to handle asynchronous operations correctly can cause the refresh indicator to get stuck.
  • Data retrieval issues: If the data retrieval process takes too long or doesn’t complete, the refresh indicator might not stop.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s cover some essential debugging and troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the console output: Look for any error messages or warnings related to the `RefreshIndicator` or data retrieval.
  2. Use the Flutter Debugger: Attach the debugger to your app and step through the code to identify the point of failure.
  3. Inspect the widget tree: Use the Flutter Inspector to visualize the widget tree and ensure the `RefreshIndicator` is properly nested.

Solution 1: Correct Widget Nesting

Let’s start with the most common culprit: incorrect widget nesting. Here’s an example of the correct way to nest the `RefreshIndicator` widget:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State {
  List<Widget> _listItems = [];

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Pull to Refresh Example'),
      body: RefreshIndicator(
        child: ListView.builder(
          itemCount: _listItems.length,
          itemBuilder: (context, index) {
            return ListTile(title: Text('Item ${index + 1}'));
        onRefresh: _handleRefresh,

  Future<void> _handleRefresh() async {
    // Add your refresh logic here
    await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
    setState(() {
      _listItems.addAll(List.generate(10, (index) => ListTile(title: Text('New Item ${index + 1}')));

Notice how the `RefreshIndicator` widget is wrapped around the `ListView` widget. This ensures that the refresh indicator is properly displayed and functions as expected.

Solution 2: Handling Async Operations Correctly

When working with asynchronous operations, it’s essential to handle them correctly to avoid infinite refreshing. Here’s an example of how to handle async operations correctly:

Future<void> _handleRefresh() async {
  // Create a new async function
  await _refreshData();

  // Update the state to rebuild the widget tree
  setState(() {});

Future<void> _refreshData() async {
  // Add your data retrieval logic here
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));

  // Update the list items
  _listItems.addAll(List.generate(10, (index) => ListTile(title: Text('New Item ${index + 1}')));

In this example, we create a new async function `_refreshData()` that handles the data retrieval logic. We then call this function from the `_handleRefresh()` method, which updates the state to rebuild the widget tree.

Solution 3: Data Retrieval Issues

If your data retrieval process takes too long or doesn’t complete, it can cause the refresh indicator to get stuck. Here are some tips to optimize your data retrieval:

  • Use a loading indicator: Display a loading indicator to let the user know that data is being retrieved.
  • Implement pagination: Break down large datasets into smaller chunks and load them gradually.
  • Optimize database queries: Ensure your database queries are optimized for performance and efficiency.

Bonus Tip: Canceling the Refresh Indicator

In some cases, you might want to cancel the refresh indicator programmatically. You can do this by calling `setState()` with an empty callback:

setState(() {});

This will rebuild the widget tree and cancel the refresh indicator.


Pull-to-refresh is a powerful feature in Flutter, but it can be frustrating when it doesn’t work as expected. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the “pull to refresh won’t stop refreshing” issue and provide a seamless user experience for your app users. Remember to debug and troubleshoot your app thoroughly to identify the root cause of the problem and apply the corresponding solution.

Solution Description
Correct Widget Nesting Ensure the `RefreshIndicator` widget is properly nested within the `ListView` or `GridView`.
Handling Async Operations Correctly Handle asynchronous operations correctly to avoid infinite refreshing.
Data Retrieval Issues Optimize data retrieval processes to avoid infinite refreshing.

Happy coding, and may the Flutter be with you!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “pull to refresh won’t stop refreshing in Flutter”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get stuck in the refreshing loop? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why does my pull to refresh not stop refreshing in Flutter?

This is usually caused by not properly handling the refresh completion. Make sure to call `setState` to reset the refresh indicator after the refresh operation is complete. Also, ensure that you’re not calling `refreshController.refreshCompleted()` multiple times, as this can cause an infinite loop.

How do I properly handle the refresh completion in Flutter?

When the refresh operation is complete, call `refreshController.refreshCompleted()` to reset the refresh indicator. Then, use `setState` to update the UI and ensure the refresh indicator is hidden. You can also use `Future.delayed` to add a delay before resetting the refresh indicator.

What if I’m using a `StreamBuilder` to fetch data and refresh?

When using a `StreamBuilder`, make sure to cancel the subscription when the refresh is complete. You can do this by calling `streamSubscription.cancel()` in the `refreshController.refreshCompleted()` callback. This ensures the stream is closed and the refresh indicator is reset.

Can I use `async/await` to handle the refresh completion?

Yes, you can use `async/await` to handle the refresh completion. Simply wrap your refresh operation in an `async` function and use `await` to wait for the operation to complete. Then, call `refreshController.refreshCompleted()` and `setState` to reset the refresh indicator and update the UI.

What if none of the above solutions work for me?

If none of the above solutions work, try debugging your app to see where the refresh operation is getting stuck. Check for any infinite loops or unintended recursive function calls. You can also try using a debugger or print statements to identify the issue. If all else fails, consider seeking help from the Flutter community or a professional developer.

I hope this helps!

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