I want to merge GeoJSON’s adjacent grids into one large grid based on properties. What should I do?
Image by Doloris - hkhazo.biz.id

I want to merge GeoJSON’s adjacent grids into one large grid based on properties. What should I do?

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Are you tired of dealing with multiple small GeoJSON grids and wanting to combine them into one large, cohesive grid based on specific properties? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this feat with ease.

Understanding the Problem

When working with GeoJSON data, it’s common to have multiple smaller grids that share similar properties or boundaries. These individual grids might be useful for specific analysis or visualization, but what if you need to combine them to gain a broader understanding of the data? That’s where merging adjacent grids comes into play.

Imagine you’re working on a project that involves analyzing climate data for different regions. You have multiple GeoJSON grids, each representing a specific area, but you want to create a single, larger grid that encompasses all the regions with similar climate conditions. By merging these adjacent grids, you can create a more comprehensive and meaningful visualization of the data.

Preparing Your Data

Before we dive into the merging process, it’s essential to prepare your data. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure all your GeoJSON grids are in the same coordinate reference system (CRS). If they’re not, you’ll need to reproject them to a common CRS using a tool like GDAL or ogr2ogr.

  • Ensure that the properties you want to merge on are consistent across all grids. For example, if you want to merge grids based on climate zones, make sure the climate zone property is present and has the same data type in all grids.

  • Clean and simplify your data to remove any unnecessary features or attributes. This will make the merging process more efficient and reduce the risk of errors.

The Merging Process

Now that your data is prepared, it’s time to start merging! There are several ways to approach this task, but we’ll focus on using the popular JavaScript library, Turf.js.

Step 1: Installing Turf.js

To get started with Turf.js, you’ll need to install it via npm or yarn:

npm install @turf/turf

Step 2: Importing and Preparing the Data

Import the Turf.js library and your GeoJSON data:

const turf = require('@turf/turf');
const geojson1 = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", ...}';
const geojson2 = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", ...}';
// ...

Parse the GeoJSON strings into objects using the `JSON.parse()` method or the `turf.parse()` function:

const geojson1Obj = JSON.parse(geojson1);
const geojson2Obj = JSON.parse(geojson2);
// ...

Step 3: Creating a Cluster of Adjacent Features

Use the `turf.cluster()` function to group adjacent features based on a specific property. In this example, we’ll use the `climateZone` property:

const clusteredFeatures = turf.cluster(geojson1Obj, 'climateZone', {
  maxDistance: 100 // adjust the maximum distance between features

This will create a new FeatureCollection with clusters of adjacent features that share the same climate zone.

Step 4: Merging the Clusters

Use the `turf.merge()` function to combine the clusters into a single feature:

const mergedFeature = turf.merge(clusteredFeatures);

This will create a new feature that encompasses all the merged clusters.

Step 5: Repeating the Process

Repeat the clustering and merging process for each GeoJSON grid, using the same property (e.g., `climateZone`) to merge on. You can use a loop or recursion to iterate through the grids and merge them one by one.

Visualizing the Results

Once you’ve merged all the adjacent grids, you can visualize the results using a library like Leaflet or Mapbox. Here’s a simple example using Leaflet:

<div id="map"></div>

  const map = L.map('map').setView([40, -100], 4);
  L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    attribution: '&copy; OpenStreetMap',
    subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c']

  // Add the merged feature to the map

This will render the merged grid on a Leaflet map, allowing you to visualize the combined data.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to consider:

  • Use different clustering algorithms or parameters to adjust the merging process. For example, you can experiment with different distance thresholds or clustering methods like k-means.

  • Apply additional filtering or processing to the merged data. For instance, you can remove small or isolated features, or apply spatial joins to combine data from multiple sources.

  • Use other libraries or tools like GeoPandas, Fiona, or QGIS to perform the merging process. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so explore the options that best fit your needs.


Merging adjacent GeoJSON grids based on properties can be a powerful way to gain insights and visualize complex data. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to combine multiple grids into a single, cohesive feature that reveals new patterns and relationships. Remember to prepare your data, choose the right tools, and experiment with different approaches to achieve the best results.

So, what are you waiting for? Start merging those grids and unlock the secrets of your GeoJSON data!

Tools and Libraries Description
Turf.js A popular JavaScript library for geospatial operations
Leaflet A lightweight JavaScript library for interactive maps
GeoPandas A Python library for working with geospatial data in Pandas
Fiona A Python library for reading and writing geospatial data
QGIS A popular open-source geographic information system (GIS)

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with merging geojson’s adjacent grids into one large grid based on properties? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the purpose of merging adjacent grids into one large grid?

Merging adjacent grids into one large grid is useful when you need to simplify your geojson data structure and reduce the number of features. This can improve the performance of your application, make it easier to analyze and visualize your data, and simplify your data processing tasks.

What tools or libraries can I use to merge adjacent grids?

There are several tools and libraries you can use to merge adjacent grids, such as Turf.js, GeoJSON-utils, and GDAL. You can also use programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or R to write custom scripts to merge your grids.

How do I determine which grids are adjacent?

You can determine which grids are adjacent by checking if they share a common boundary or vertex. You can use spatial joins or spatial indexing techniques to efficiently find adjacent grids.

What properties should I consider when merging adjacent grids?

When merging adjacent grids, you should consider the properties that are relevant to your use case, such as grid ID, geometry, and any other attributes that are important for your application. You may also want to consider the data type and precision of the properties to ensure that they are consistent across the merged grid.

What are some common challenges when merging adjacent grids?

Some common challenges when merging adjacent grids include dealing with grid boundaries that don’t align, handling grids with different resolutions or projections, and ensuring that the merged grid is valid and consistent. You may also encounter performance issues when working with large datasets.

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